Rating: 4/5 Review: "Captain America: The Winter Soldier movie review" Captain America: The Winter Soldier is one of Marvel Phase 2 movie which includes Thor: The Dark World and Iron Man 3. This is the best entry in Phase 2 so far. It delivers thrills, action and heart. The story: I wouldn't exactly call the story original. It follows like a spy/conspiracy movie. But sharing the detail will also mean spoiler. As a spy genre, it brings few things to the table but other than that, it is pretty straight-forward. As a Marvel movie, it is refreshing as Marvel is famous for showing super-powered action scenes. There are plenty of action in this but it is portrayed in a thrilling and hard-hitting action. It is also one of the more action-packed movie from Marvel. One of the most thrilling and best action scene in the movie is The Winter Soldier attacking Captain America on a highway. Clearly, the directors want to steer away from the CGI Marvel is used to. Acting wise ...
Basically, this is keep track of what I have been watching.