Rating: 3.5/5
TV Review: "Harper's Island Review" (13 episodes)
I have finally finished watching the whole series, the 13 episodes. The story is simple. Even the tagline will tell basically you about the plot outline. 25 people are invited to a wedding. From there, people start dieing. One by one. At least one will die in an episode. Come to the final episode, the killer will be revealed. It is pretty engrossing as it is intense, I would want to know who will die and who the killer is. In the middle of the story, there seems to be some kind of lame supernatural stuffs like things that magically appear and supernatural forces. I thought: 'What the hell! I don't watch this show for supernatural shit. I would rather go watch some cheesy horror movies.' Glad I was wrong.
The killer is a human. But they didn't explain how those supernatural things come about. It is not bad as what other people say, it is just not original. Hey, at least, there is some mystery in order to keep you watching. Not a bad western series, Heroes is another good show. I seldom stay up late to watch western series, even those popular series don't interest me etc. Prison Break, Chuck and many more.
Overall: Harper's Island just interests me for its suspense and mystery. It is good to give a watch. It is quite entertaining. And I can get a break from watching superheroes saving the world from a crazy brain-eating sick-ass guy who knows how to trick everybody. You know, this kind of story gets a bit tired. Currently, I am watching a japanese drama-Bloody Monday.
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