Rating: 3.5/5
Review: "Up DVD review"
First, I don't care how critics or fans lap this up with extremely positive reviews. I am just going to say what I have to say. Up is Pixar's latest animation and first 3-D movie featuring polished animation. Honestly, I did not watch a lot of Pixar's movies and could not remember much about them. 2005's The Incredibles caught my eyes and that is all and until now, Up. Up is an interesting adventure movie that will appeal to all ages. It got cute talking dogs and a weird bird, an usual thing for animation movies, it gets cute written everywhere.
The story: The first ten minutes of this 1 hour 36 minutes is just an introduction of Carl Fredricksen and his wife. After the surprising death of his wife, he becomes grumpy and serious. He gets annoyed with people who surround him and decides to fly his house as what his wife would like. He is stuck with Russell, an asshole at first. They soon meet some weird bird that likes chocolates. Yum! Come to the last half of the movie, a villian is introduced with some wild mutt talking dogs. As usual, Pixar never fail with its humourous jokes that do not make you laugh but smile. The animation is Pixar's speciality so it is top-notch. The story is entertaining yet simple. The meaning and moral is there. What I dislike about it is its short-running time and lacks of proper development of the villian.
Overall: This heart-warming story should not be missed whether old or young. This PG movie manages to earn a whopping $400 million worldwide. Tell me why you should miss this?
DVD special features-Rating: 3.4/5
The one thing that stands out are the short movies (9 minutes), one is a cute short about a cloud who produces fierce animals and the other one is like a prequel to the movie- it shows you how Dug comes into the movie. There is a long featurette (22 minutes) about how they come about the locations in the movie. Honestly, I am not very interested. It is not very interesting, they flew to places and explain how they design the locations in the movie. The last feature is also a featurette about the different endings of the villian. They have to change the ending due that this is a kid movie and other reasons.
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