Rating: 3.1/5
Review: "Prom Night DVD review"
This is just as good as renting it. The remake has nothing new to look at except the suspense but even that, it is still pretty weak. It is a little intense with many shock scenes (obviously in a horror/thriller movie) and it has its fair share of suspense. Surprisingly, there are some light moments considering that has a serious story and killer. It is definitely not for the gore hounds, if gore is the only thing they want to watch this, even the unrated edition features little blood.
The story: Moving on to thrills and suspense, it does deliver these but they are not very heavy. There is little thrills: you see the killer's face clearly and at most of the time, the camera will show what the killer will do next. Blah. That kills the suspense. There are shock scenes which are predictable, in fact, most of them are predictable.
Overall: It is an okay slasher flick with no heavy suspense or thrills. It is just an average thriller. The problem with this is that it reveals everything too fast, there are not much suspense and thrills to anticipate. Even When Stranger calls is better than this. When Stranger calls at least deal with heavy suspense.
DVD special features-Rating: 3/5
The unrated edition contains one minute more than the theatrical cut but obviously I don't know what is added except some more blood. Uncut runtime is 1 hour 29 minutes. There are a few featurettes which includes making of (12 minutes), a featurette of creating the killer (5 minutes) and location (4 minutes) and real prom night experiences by the cast and crew (6 minutes). All of them are not bad but lack of behind the scenes. They are mainly interviews of cast and crew. There are deleted scenes and a different ending (5 minutes), they are meaningless...no point. There is a slightly funny gag reel (2 minutes) and finally a some sort of preview of how a yearbook is like (5 minutes), yawn. Boring trailers for boring movies are added too.
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