Rating: 3.1/5
Review: "New Moon movie review"
I am not the crazy-ass fan who will scream when seeing Edward or a fan of the books. I watch this for pure entertainment and as to see how bad this movie can be. This is not bad, in fact, it is actually interesting to see how the main character, Bella, copes with her vampire lover, Edward, plus a new guy's love. The thing is it is a little slow. The way the director, the one behind Golden Compass, bring up the story isn't there. The pacing also seems a bit off. From a starting slow pace shoots into a slightly faster pace and then shoots right back into the slow pace. So it is a little hard not to feel bored at times. Other than that, it is quite okay.
I am not the crazy-ass fan who will scream when seeing Edward or a fan of the books. I watch this for pure entertainment and as to see how bad this movie can be. This is not bad, in fact, it is actually interesting to see how the main character, Bella, copes with her vampire lover, Edward, plus a new guy's love. The thing is it is a little slow. The way the director, the one behind Golden Compass, bring up the story isn't there. The pacing also seems a bit off. From a starting slow pace shoots into a slightly faster pace and then shoots right back into the slow pace. So it is a little hard not to feel bored at times. Other than that, it is quite okay.
The story: It continues after Twilight, which is also okay, and goes in a melodrama pace. Bella is still in very love with the vampire hunk, Edward. Hooooo.....undying love. The way it is shown in this movie is slightly annoying. Anyway, Edward leaves her for a purpose and Bella becomes emo. Sigh! The pace goes back to slow...when Bella turns to a new hunk, Jacob. La! La! So happy. I am not going spoil the whole story but...it is predictable.
Overall: Alright, it is not bad. CGI is quite good except for some times. The little action is intense. The love between Bella and Edward is undying and on it goes. For entertainment, it may deliver. For other things, it may not. Obviously it delivers on the wide spread of hunks and romance. Watching it one time is good enough for me and I won't be buying the DVD.
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