Rating: 3.6/5
Review: "The Wolfman movie review"
To be frank, I had had not much expectations of The Wolfman and I have only gain a bit of interest about it this year when it was nearing the release date. I am not much of a werewolf fan. I walked into the movie without any high expectations, I just knew it was going to entertain me no matter what. I was right...but it exceeded my low expectations. There is a balance of action, drama and thrills. It is good fun.
The story: It is quite simple actually. The first scene has a man running away from the wolfman. Cue to the title. And then we soon find out that the man killed is Lawrence Talbot's brother. Obviously, Talbot will be bitten by the wolfman and becomes one himself. There is some action here and there, it is not action-packed though. Surely there is carnage. There is blood when the wolfman appears. There is a little twist which will lead to the final showdown. One thing that is not good is the over-use of shock scenes. I feel that the director kept adding shock scenes non-stop until when he thought that shock scene was effective, he slowed down the adding. The shock scenes did not really shock or scare me but somehow when one hour passed of the one hour and forty minutes movie, the shock scenes suddenly got slightly effective which had shook me out from the seat a little. Still, the shock scenes are over-used and the movie does not really depend on the intensity to keep us on the edge of the seats. One thing that is bravo is the music by Danny Elfman. He manages to compose thrilling and melodrama music. It matches the movie well.
Overall: It may not considered an oscar-winning movie but it does its best to engage you in what is happening. This is the best movie of director Joe Johnston as his Jurassic Park 3 is just okay. I can't wait to see what Joe will do with Captain America.
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