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Quick DVD reviews

Rating: 3.7/5
Review: "Scooby Doo DVD review"
I may be a fan of Scooby Doo; I have seen many episodes and cartoon movies on it. I think this is actually not bad; no idea why the rating is low. Those who say that Scooby Doo is filled with childish humour or simple plot, Scooby Doo's target is for kids and that is why the live-action movie tries not to be too scary or creepy. Actors and actresses for the famous mystery-solving gang are good, they play them well. And Scooby is just cute; waving dramatically when a ghost/monster approaches. Overall, this is fun.
DVD special features-3/5
There is a standard making of (22 minutes) which shows you behind the scenes of the movie. Nothing special but it is interesting in hearing the director, producers and actors taking about the original cartoon. There is deleted scenes (13 minutes) which are as usual some background information but there is one scene that stands out-the possessed Velma dancing in a bikini and becomes creepy when Daphne disturbs her. One scene I am glad that is deleted is Velma being high and singing some crap song. Disturbing to see her doing that. There are two featurettes. One is about the making of the sets (3 minutes) which tells us that more than 20 sets were built. Another is the making of the van (1 minute) which is brief. There is a hidden featurette (1 minute) when you complete a game and it tells about the celebrity in the movie, Pam. Lastly, there is an annoying music video about rapping (3 minutes)


Rating: 3.3/5
Review: "Divergence DVD review"
It is one of Benny Chan's movie that is not that good. His movies like New Police Story, Invisible Target prove to be entertaining with good action scenes. This, however, lacks of action scenes and even the story does not really engage. There is maybe about two action scenes. The notable action scene is the chase between Aaron Kwok and Daniel Wu and then proceed to fighting each other. The climax is short and it does feel like a climax. The story is a little slow and it is not very intense. And the characters are blah. But it still somewhat entertaining if you don't have anything to do.
DVD special features-3/5
It is a two-disc edition DVD and the special features' runtime in total is around half and hour. There is the standard making of without english subtitles (15 minutes). There is a music video (4 minutes) which is not very appealing. There is short gala (2 minutes). There are trailer and teaser for the movie (3 minutes). Then there are some trailers of other Hong Kong movies. That is all. Disappointing for a two-disc editon.


Rating: 3.7/5
Review: "Resident Evil: Apocalypse DVD review"
This is the second installment of the Resident Evil franchise. The whole franchise is not bad including the recent Resident Evil: Afterlife. They all have their good and weak points. This one has the most action as far as I remember but that means the story is just straight-forward (Anyway the franchise is known for a simple plot). And the action is the best out of the four movies with lots of stunts and shooting. That is what a zombie action movie should have.
DVD special features-3.5/5
There is a long making of (49 minutes) which covers some points of the movie like stunts, building of the city and the guns. Milla is kind of funny with her expressions. There are two featurettes. Corporate malfeasance (2 minutes) and Game babes (8 minutes) -the actresses talking about playing their sexy roles. There are deleted scenes (11 minutes) which are nothing worth mentioning about. Symphony of evil (7 minutes) is some footage of how the special effects are meshed into real life. Lastly, there is outtakes (2 minutes) which is a little funny. The actors and actresses goofing around or bursting out in laughter.


Rating: 3.6/5
Review: "Blood: The last vampire DVD review"
The action is the main high-light of this movie. The fighting scenes are expected to good as Cory Yuen is the one behind the fight scenes. The best fight scene lasts for 8 minutes and it shows the ramage of the vampires/monsters and Saya killing them. The CGI blood is bearable though looks fake and cartoonish. The worst fight scene has to be the climax. It does not even feel like a climax. I guess that is because of the trailers and TV spots over-hyping the climax and in the end, it is short with no real threat. Other than that, the story is okay and CGI though not good but still bearable.
DVD special features-3.5/5
The making of is split into two parts. The first part (15 minutes) covers the basic things of the movie like the stunts and Giana with her okay but monotone english telling how painful and tiring to do those stunts. Then the second part (20 minutes) goes deeper and covers the cast and crew like the director and Cory Yuen. Unfortunately, there is no eng subs when Cory and the japanese guy are speaking in their own languages. Overall, the whole making of is interesting and shows behind the scenes footage. There is a trailer (2 minutes) to the movie.


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