This has pontential to be a scary and creepy movie but it never lives up to it. The reason is that there are stupid characters that make you not want to care what the hell will happen to them. The exorcism is actually a fraud made by some cheap-ass person who does it for the sake of doing it. When he revealed his plans, I could care less for him to die. He also didn't believe the demon possessing the girl. Until the end. And he finally does something good. The camera man is also annoying. He doesn't respect people's privacy. And for a 1 hour and 22 minutes, the start-up takes almost 30 minutes and the rest is blah. It is only intense for about 15 minutes in the last 30 minutes.
DVD special features- 0/5
Barebone DVD. Not even one feature is found. There are no trailers. There is not even a trailer for the movie.
Rating: 3.6/5 Review: "The Town DVD review"
It is not a bad heist movie. In fact, it is one of the better ones. I remembered watching Takers, another heist movie and I found it not that good. Ben Affleck did an excellent job in playing the main character and also directing the movie. How many directors actually do that? The runtime of 2 hours and 5 minutes is fine, keeping things briskly. There are three action set pieces. They are not bad but a little too short. But climax is fine; a fine shootout between the police and the bank robbers.
DVD special features-2/5
The DVD contains only two short featurettes. One is about the people of charlestown (3 minutes) which tells more information of the location and the real-life people staying there. It is interesting but brief. The last one is about Ben Affleck (7 minutes) about how he juggles two important roles; an actor and a director. Not too bad.
Rating: 3.4/5 Review: "The long distance DVD review"
It is not a bad comedy, it has some laughable jokes but in the end, the story still turns out generic; not much from the comedy category. Drew Barrymore and Justin Long play a couple who has to withstand long distance relationship. They have encountered problems, obviously. But there is still a happy ending, not really but they still manage to have the relationship. Yep, that's about all. The jokes are not bad, some make me laugh and some crude humour make me smile but that do not make up for the generic romance comedy plot.
DVD special features- 2/5
The standard Warner Bros' DVD. Deleted scenes (12 minutes) which are nothing much. The only interesting scenes are the different ideas the two buddies have when Justin's character is thought to be very depressed. One scene show them discussing if he were to die, what would they do. One of them mentions about taking his room. The other scene shows one of them calling a prostitute for him.
Rating: 3.4/5 Review: "Paris Express DVD review"
This is a french movie. The start of the movie may be a bit confusing but as it progresses, the story seems more clearer. It is not really an action movie as the trailer states. There are some mild action including a gun fight and chases. It is also not really that intense considering that this is something like a chase movie. Overall, it is not really worth to watch it if you are familiar with chase movies, this is nothing new. Even in the action department, it offers nothing new.
DVD special features- 0.5/5
A trailer of the movie (2 minutes). At least, it is better than those DVDs with nothing.
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