Rating: 3.3/5
Review: "Iris the movie DVD review"
This is actually not an original movie based on the hit korean drama, Iris instead it is just old footage from the drama with some new stuff added. And what do that mean? It means that the picture quality throughout the movie is inconsistant. Some shots are blurred and seem unfocused while other are sharp. I would find that distracting. I wish that they would have shot an original movie fully.
The story: From what I read, this compiled 20 episodes of the drama. With the runtime of 1 hour and 57 minutes, the movie feels rushed. Some things move on so quickly like you miss it when you blink your eyes. The story feels rushed too but I can basically understand the movie. The action is alright. Some action scenes like the car chase and explosions with bad CGI are distracting. But I wouldn't really find faults with the action as they are at least some in the movie. They could be improved.
Overall: It feels like a direct-to-DVD material not a movie made to be shown in cinema. There will be a part 2 Iris drama so hopefully, they can come up with a new and original movie to follow up the movie.
DVD special features-1/5
The sadly barebones DVD has only trailers. There are three trailers from movies like Old cow eats tender grass. There is not even a trailer or preview for Iris the movie.
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