Rating: 4/5
Review: "Captain America: The First Avenger movie review"
This must be the superhero movie in this year to deliver solid action scenes. Thor's action scenes are disappointing and Green Lantern's are not really worth to mention. X-Men: First Class's are not too bad but they are few. But this, we get to see explosions, fistcuff fights and vehicle chase scenes. It may also be one of the best action superhero movie in Marvel. To tell the truth, Marvel's movies does not really deliver in terms of big-bang action except for some like Daredevil and The Incredible Hulk.
The story: It is a simple straight-forward movie with some moral meanings of course. But it is the action scenes that stands out from being classified as a generic superhero movie. This features real action like in a James Bond movie and not much of CGI effects. It involves with many explosions and fistcuff fight scenes which are highly engrossing. After being dissappointed with the few superhero movies released this year, I was glad that this turns out to be a better action superhero movie that features explosive action scenes. But of course, they are not as hard-core as other action movies but for a superhero movie, they are good. Music wise is not bad, could hear bits of the America's theme song if I am not wrong. Acting wise is quite okay. Evans did okay for Captain America, belivable acting. Effects wise is okay, some scenes do look fake but with a budget of US$140 million, can't really expect much. Thor and X-Men are not much different than this but have a higher budget.
Overall: It is not a bad superhero movie and summer movie. It has almost everything for a summer and superhero movie. Clearly, this has been a good year for Marvel. X-Men and Captain America and Thor are good entertainment. Sadly, DC Comic is not like Marvel. Green Lantern is still struggling in the box offfice. Anyway, with the teaser of The Avenger out next year, I can't wait to watch the superheroes assemble.
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