Rating: 4.5/5
Review: "Sucker Punch Blu-Ray review"
It is quite an enjoyable ride. I have no idea why it recieved poor reviews; 23% on rotton tomatoes and it didn't fare well with audience too with a rating of 6.2 on IMDB. And then it didn't do that well in Box Office, it got US$89 million. That's not good with a budget of US$82 million. Anyway, although there are many bad reviews, they didn't stop me from enjoying this fun romp. The story presentation is cool with idea dealing with the mind. It is like a movie that you have to pay attention in order to realise what's going on. Like Incpetion. Action scenes are cool too. With lots of fantasy in these scenes, it is kind of rare to see an action movie not being realistic.
Blu-Ray features-3.4/5
Sadly, the only making of is the Maximum mode which means I had to watch the movie just for the making of. Not very enjoyable as I had to sit down for two hours and watch the movie plus at the same time, see how they make the movie. I have no idea why Warner Bros. is pushing up this idea. The Green Lantern Blu-Ray also gets this treatment. There is no option of playing the featurettes seperately. Throughout the feature, you can access to picture galleries and storyboards. Zack, the director, plays the host as he explains how he makes the movies. There is a music featurette (2 minutes) which is so damn brief that it is almost nothing. It is just a promotional featurette with the music composer discussing briefly about the music. And then lastly, a series of motion comic (11 minutes) which is not too bad. They provide background knowledge about the movie. Overall: Not a bad Blu-Ray but would prefer the Maximum mode to be played seperate.
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