Review: "Mysterious Island DVD review"
This seems like a low-budget movie from China ($2 million) but it has enough special effects and some decent locations. This is filled with twists and turns although some ideas do not seem plausible, I still had fun guessing what the outcome of the movie will be. Will it be a mysterious killer killing off characters or a ghost haunting the characters or a prank by the media company? This movie though has predictable kills is unpredictable when it comes to the climax; the revealation of the mystery.
The story: A group of people are chosen to survive in a mysterious island with a mysterious past. Unfortunately, their mission starts off wrong with the ship capsizing. The group of people has to deal with each other and survive the "haunted" island where people get killed off. It features pretty and hot babes and they are even shown in bikinis. There are even excuses to show them stripping into their bikinis. One scene where a woman takes off her shirt just to swat the bees. Anyway, I am glad that there are attractive females for eye-candy. The special effects though not many are not bad like the wild boars' attack. The bad thing about this movie is the extremely fast editing. It makes the movie more cheesy and sometimes, the scenes do not make sense because of the horrible editing. I think I would have enjoyed the movie more if not for the editing. The rest of the movie is okay. Acting is alright. Nothing much to say except for the story and hot babes.
Overall: It is worth the blind buy. I am a fan of guessing movies. I like to guess what the outcome will be. This is not a bad movie coming out from China and it may be the only entertaining China movie so far.
DVD special features- 0/5
Nothing. The video quality seems mixed. Sometimes, the quality will be okay but in some scenes, the video will be blurred. I don't know whether it is intentionally or what.
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