Rating: 3.8/5
Review: "I, Frankenstein 3D movie review"
It has a shockingly low 5% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. I, Frankenstein does not deserve the overwhelming negative reviews from critics and audience alike. It looks like it is one of the worst movies of 2014 and the year has only just began. With the lowered expectations in the beginning, I walked out of the cinema entertained.
The story: It is just as straight-foward and generic as a Direct-To-DVD movie can be. The Frankenstein 's monster, Adam, is in the middle of a battle between Gargoyles and Demons. The result is an action-packed movie filled with nifty special effects. The action scenes are many and decently choreographed. The CGI is decent with the moderate budget of US$65 million. Music is good and fits the tone of the movie. Acting wise is okay. Bill Nighy acts as his usual self as a villain. Aaron Eckhart has not much of a role to emote feelings as an emotionless monster except to fight and show off his body.
3D: It is good for a post-converted movie. There is a good sense of depth between the characters and the background. The 3D is also effective during action scenes especially when the Gargoyles soar in the sky and bursting of flames when demons are killed.
Overall: With the low box office, it is clear it won't start up a franchise like Underworld (A franchise which I, Frankenstein gets its 'inspirations'). If you take it for what it is; a mindless action movie, you may enjoy it.
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