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Rating: 3.2/5
Review: "Marvel's Jessica Jones season 1 TV review"

Rating: 3.7/5
Review: "Marvel's Luke Cage season 1 TV review"

I have watched Jessica Jones last year and barely finished it. Didn't bother to review it until now. I know Jessica Jones has received rave reviews on its mature and psychological plot. That I agree but it is no excuse not to show any spectacle. Marvel scored with Daredevil's first TV outing; it has great fight scenes and engaging characters and story. Jessica Jones, on the other hand, feels more small scaled. It is probably a deliberate choice given Jessica's many internal struggles.

The story: It is a pity that I didn't enjoy Jessica Jones as much as I thought. There are some episodes that I enjoy as it taps on the intensity of the menacing villain, Kilgrave (played decently by David Tennant). However, most of the episodes are a little dull. I can understand why the writers decided to focus on Jessica's posttraumatic stress disorder and alcohol addiction. They want to show that she is not perfect. But there are some things she does that are strange and it is hard to relate to her as a character. Not to say Krysten Ritter didn't do a good job as Jessica Jones. Her portrayal is actually one of the best things in the show.

Aside from some unrelatable characters, the writers make one of the worst crime; a boring plot. The pace is plodding that makes the whole series a little dull. It squanders an interesting villain and some truly intense episodes. On the whole, the series falls flat. At the end, there is no emotional payoff nor satisfying climax. Music is decent but is sparse. Everything is played low key.

Overall: The actors and actresses did a decent job in portraying their characters. Unfortunately, their acting barely saved the series from drowning. The psychological aspect is commendable but it is marred by a dull and slow pace. By the end of episode 13, I felt tired and just didn't care.

2016 sees Luke Cage breaking out onto the small screen and it is a solid debut of the powerful character. He is last seen in Jessica Jones. Viewers will be able to start on his journey straight away. Luke Cage is definitely better than Jessica Jones in terms of pacing, action and storyline. First, its pacing may be fast but it moves on a steady pace. Its politics is strangely more engaging to me than Jessica's struggles.

The story: Luke is not someone without personal problems. He has them. However the writers make his struggles more relatable. Even if you are not looking at his personal struggles, it introduces you into the dog-eats-dog world where someone has to rule Harlem. Luke Cage is unwilling caught into a battle of politics. The presentation of the whole series is interesting as every episode has a song. Music is definitely the most noticeable in the Marvel's TV series. It has action, although not choreographed as crisp as a film production. It is not without flaws. It does feel long sometimes. It doesn't feel it needs 13 episodes. Some characters' motives are questionable.

Overall: Luke Cage is not a perfect TV series, it is not as good as Daredevil but it has it own merits. It is entertaining, filled with enough action and politics and a popping soundtrack. With a promising Iron Fist's trailer recently launched, I foresee that it will be a great collaboration between them in the Defenders. 


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