The Five Best and Worst of 2016 Best 1. Doctor Strange This is the surprise hit this year. I had high expectations on Marvel's latest solo film but I didn't expect Marvel to raise the bar of a solo film. It is on the same level as the first Iron Man film. The 3D is top notch and it definitely elevates the whole entertainment factor. 2. Deadpool This is another surprise hit of the year. I didn't have much expectation of Fox's X-Men franchise. Deadpool is the second best X-Men film; X-Men: Days of Future Past is the top. Deadpool is thrilling, funny and is packed with some nice visuals. Given its low budget (for the superhero genre), this underdog definitely gave me a pleasant surprise. 3. Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice This is not critically well-received but I can't just deny Zack Synder's epic vision for the two most popular superheroes. Crammed with stunning visuals (though it is subjective), the best part of the film is the clim...
Basically, this is keep track of what I have been watching.