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The Five Best and Worst of 2016


 1. Doctor Strange

This is the surprise hit this year. I had high expectations on Marvel's latest solo film but I didn't expect Marvel to raise the bar of a solo film. It is on the same level as the first Iron Man film. The 3D is top notch and it definitely elevates the whole entertainment factor.

2. Deadpool

This is another surprise hit of the year. I didn't have much expectation of Fox's X-Men franchise. Deadpool is the second best X-Men film; X-Men: Days of Future Past is the top. Deadpool is thrilling, funny and is packed with some nice visuals. Given its low budget (for the superhero genre), this underdog definitely gave me a pleasant surprise.

3. Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice

This is not critically well-received but I can't just deny Zack Synder's epic vision for the two most popular superheroes. Crammed with stunning visuals (though it is subjective), the best part of the film is the climax. It features one of the best superhero's fight scenes; a epic fight with Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman against Doomsday. Though the film's pacing is disjointed at times, Zack's visuals help give energy to an exhausting but fun ride.

4. Captain America: Civil War

Captain America: Civil War is the most over-crowded film of the year but that doesn't mean it is not entertaining. It sees Marvel taking a more mature turn. Not only does it contain exciting action scenes, it is also politically interesting. The thrilling and satisfying climax saves the weaker second act. It poses a decent conclusion to the Captain America's trilogy.

5. Rogue One: A Star Wars story

This is another surprise for this year. I admit that when I first saw the trailer, I wasn't very impressed with what I saw. Gritty, realistic and no lightsaber. I walked into the cinema without any expectation and came out with a realisation that Star Wars spinoff stories could be actually good. Director Gareth Edwards handles the story and stages a thrilling extended climax confidently.


1. Broken Vows

I actually have no idea why did I waste my time watching this dull and boring film. There isn't any factor that is positive. The story is not original at all. The pacing moves slowly. The characters are not likeable. What else can I say? Perhaps the cinematography is okay at best.

2. Blair Witch

This is a disappointment to me because I like Adam Wingard as a horror director. However, the fact that he chose to shoot this as a lost-found footage film, it is just purely annoying. He could have shot it normally and it would become a much better film. He doesn't add anything new to the tired genre. Just lots of shaky camera movement. It results in lack of tension and scares.

3. The Disappointment Room

Like its title, it is a disappointment that D.J Caruso directed this disjointed horror drama. Kate Beckinsale may still be hot but she alone cannot save the film from falling apart. It has one of the worst editing. The story just jumps from one place to another. At the end, you could care less about any of the characters. Some shots look great but other than that, it is downright disappointing for a horror film.

4. The Darkness

This isn't that bad but it just teases and teases until it fizzles. There are some interesting internal conflicts in the family but it is meekly explored. There isn't a lot of horror element too so overall, it is just a boring film.

5. The Choice

It is a boring film with nothing much happening. It plays like a normal and safe Nicholas Sparks' adaptation. The cast may be attractive but their acting are wooden. There is the choice of not watching it and I regret watching it.


Overall for 2016: 2016 is a good year for superheroes film. Even Suicide Squad is entertaining. 2016 also saw some sequels that do not make an impact for me like Jason Borne, a totally redundant sequel. It also has a few bad films that I have not mentioned like Satanic, a low budget and boring horror film, and Gigolo 2, a ridiculous Hong Kong film, and some more.

I am excited for 2017 as it will see some potentially interesting franchise such as Power Rangers. It also has the long-awaited Justice League and the conclusion of Wolverine. 2017 is still overloaded with superhero films but I pray that they will be fresh for starter.


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