Rating: 3/5
Review: "Blood the last vampire (2009)"
I finally had a chance to watch the movie, a movie I had wanted to watch. It is not as bad as what others say if you know that this movie is meant for entertainment, a movie that is not to be taken seriously. The stunts and fighting are great, done by action director Corey Yuen. The thing disappointing is the much over-hype last battle, it is featured in every trailer and TV spot but in the end, it is not what I had expected.The story: The simple adventure story. But since, it is a martial arts movie, I expected cool stunts obviously done with wires. The fight scenes expect the last one do not disappoint. The CGI of he monsters may not be that good but it is still bearable. The CGI blood is also bearable, but the slow-motion will get old. I am surprised that it has a rating of M-18. It is not that violent and most of the blood is CGI and solid.
Overall: Fans of the short animated will catch this out. Those looking for a cool martial arts movie will catch this too but don't expect it to be Asian martial arts movies. This is another adaptation of the animated following Dragonball evolution and Speed racer.
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