Review: "Fast and Furious DVD review"
Rating: 3.5/5
Review: "Kingdom of Heaven DVD review"
Fast and Furious is the forth installment of the Fast and Furious franchise. I have seen all of the movies. This is not much different than the others just that this has some new sleek cars. The story is simple enough and the action/racing is the thrills. That is all I want from the franchise. Thrilling and action-packed plot and cool action scenes. Yep, this pretty much delivers.
DVD special features-Rating: 3/5
The features are not bad on a 1 disc DVD. There is a gag reel (5 minutes) which is not exactly funny but has some entertainment values like Paul Walker keeps laughing for no reason. There are numberous of featurettes (24 minutes). Two featurettes focusing on cars and casts. One is Vin's driving test and the other is making of the movie.
Kingdom of Heaven is a good piece of epic movie. Though there is only one major war scene, the rest of the runtime thrills me. Though its long runtime, 2 hours and 25 minutes, the pace is considerably fast and seldom drags. The music is epic too. Acting is convincing enough. Its DVD cover and poster made me think that this has non-stop action and I was wrong. But in the end, I was massively entertained.
DVD special features-Rating: 4/5
The features are good and detailed. There are two featurettes about the history (1 hours and 30 minutes) which is awesome. It is good to know the history of this story. There is a detailed making of (1 hours and 32 minutes) which is good too. There are some small things like a net featurette (9 minutes) and trailer (2 minutes). Good DVD.
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