Rating: 3.7/5
Review: "Terminator Salvation DVD review"
This is not bad. It is not the worst terminator movie, I actually thought Terminator 1 is just okay. Terminator 2 and 3 are quite entertaining followed by also entertaining Salvation. MCG, the director of Charlies' Angels, takes the directing seat and turned terminator into a dark and gritty world. As what he said, he did not want the future to be a shiny world but a dark and gritty world. He is considered to have done a great job in that and creating the realistic and cool action. But his story pretty much stays the same as his other movies, a simple mindless thrill ride.
The story: The future is here and the year is 2018...John Conner is a daring man who will be willing to save people from Skynet, a evil organisation which creates Terminators. A mysterious man who is supposed to be dead suddenly finds himself in the year of 2018. He wants to seek for the truth. And obviously there will be some mild twists. Bring on the action. Explosions...huge ones and real too followed by cool but not yet epic music by Danny Elfman.
Overall: It is an entertaining flick. Whether it is worthy to be the Terminator franchise is another point. And whether it is bad, it will still be considered part of the franchise. I enjoy its mindless thrill ride filled with action and CGI.
DVD special features-Rating: 3.9/5
They are quite interesting to watch. Region 3 gets the 2-Disc edition which is lucky as Region 1 has no special features hence the 1-disc edition. There are two featurettes. One is on creating the world of 2018 Terminator (19 minutes) which is interesting to hear how the production team wants it to look like. Another one is on the motor-terminators, terminators mixed with motocycles (9 minutes). It is a short featurette and shows how they create the motor-terminators. The last special feature is 11 mini-focus featurettes (24 minutes). As the title states, the 11 mini featurettes focus on something like creating the terminators, the world and filming the huge explosions etc. I like it though brief, they go behind scenes. Rounding the special features up is a trailer of the taking of Pelham 123 (2 minutes).
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