Review: "Green Lantern movie review"
Green Lantern is the latest DC Comic adaptation. DC Comic is kind of lacking of superhero movies, recent movie is Jonah Hex which was in cinema last year is a flop. Marvel is more superior by showing more noticable superheroes like recent Thor and X-Men: First Class. Each year will at least feature one Marvel Comic movie whereas DC superhero movies are rare. So hopefully, Green Lantern will encourage DC and Warner Bros. to make more superhero movies. There can't be always Superman and Batman saving the day.
The story: It is a straight-forward superhero movie. It starts off nicely with an introduction of the Green Lantern world and the epic title appears with epic music by James Newton Howard. The action starts pretty soon with a brief escape from the monster, Parallax. We are then introduced to the cocky Hal Jordan who will obviously be chosen to become Green Lantern. Though the story is straight-foward, the pace moves decently and packs some cool action. The action scenes are many but brief. There is an airplane action scene which is okay. The training of Green Lantern is not bad. The helicoptor scene is the most shortest action scene in the movie but it introduces Green Lantern to the people in the movie. The battle between Green Lantern and Hector is not too bad but a little short, there are tense moments during the battle. Following it is the climax between Green Lantern and Parallax which is filled with special effects.
The action scenes and special effects are a nice touch to the movie. Martin Campbell who is famous for rebooting James Bond twice did a nice job for the movie although I expected a lot better from him. I steered away from the 3D version as it is converted and from reviews, the 3D seems useless. The critics are really harsh on this movie; rotton tomatoes has a 24% rating. I don't know what they expect from the movie. The trailers already suggest that this will be a mindless action movie filled with huge special effects.
Overall: Though it isn't as good as I thought it would be but it still provides the thrills and entertainment. The action scenes may not be as cool as I thought (Martin knows how to direct some cool action in Casino Royale) but I was thankful for they are at least entertaining. Superhero movies like Ghost Rider and Iron Man 2 have disappointed me in the action department. Though critics tore it apart, I hope this will be the rise of DC superhero movies. The only other two DC movies coming are the reboot of Superman and the third movie for Nolan's Batman. Them AGAIN!!!
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