Rating: 4/5
Review: "X-Men:First Class Blu-Ray review"
It is the best X-Men movie in the franchise due to its brisk pacing, thrilling plot and some nifty action. Blu-Ray picture is sharp and clear. A good superhero Blu-Ray unlike Thor which is still dark for a Blu-Ray.
Blu-Ray special features- 3.6/5
The main meat is obviously the featurettes which can be played as one (69 minutes). They cover the usual like making of the costumes, sets, special effects and music. Nothing particularly new. The standard featurettes. There are deleted scenes (14 minutes) which add absolutely nothing to the movie. One of the rare notable scenes is where Erik forces a man with his power into putting a knife straight into his stomach. Other than that, the rest are blah. Nothing else interesting for special features. There is a feature which isolates the score in the movie. What the hell is that? I won't bother with that. There is an interactive tracker which allows you to track mutants. Once you click on a mutant, you get to watch short clips of him/her. Prettty useless actually. A good Blu-Ray. What more you want.
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